Jumat, 06 Juni 2014

Peta Cantik Indonesia Ku


1. Karton Asturo
2. Kertas krep warna warni
3. Lem
4. Kertas Hvs
5. Pensil
6. Gunting


1. Buat gambar peta di hvs. Setiap pulau satu hvs.
2. Gunting peta yang sudah digambar
3. Tenpelkan peta tadi di karton yang sudah disiapkan dan disusun sesuai susunan peta Indonesia
4. Beri lem pada peta
5. Tempel kertas krep yang sudah diremas terlebih dahulu

Catatan: Untuk pembelajaran di Taman Kanak-kanak, anak bisa diberi tugas meremas dan menempel kertas krep, sisanya dipersiapkan dan dibuat oleh guru.

Sumber Arza-mee'

Super simple pretty Doll

Hai temans!
Sekarang saya ingin berbagi kreasi baru cara membuat boneka yang super simple. Ini nih persiapannya,

1. Karton bekas
2. Lem
3. Benang wol
4. Sendok plastik
5. Spidol permanen
6. Kertas kado


1. Buat remasan koran untuk membuat kepala belakang si boneka
2. Buat rambut dari benang wol dan tempel di kepala sendok yang sudah dtempel remasan koran tadi
3. Buat kerucut dari karton sepantasnya menyesuaikan besarnya kepala boneka
4. Buat baju dari kertas kado mengikuti kerucut
5. Masukkan sendoknya di lubang atas kerucut
6. Lem bagian dalam sendok agar tidak bergeser
7. Untuk mempermanis buat topi dari kertas kado serupa
8. Gambar wajah dengan spidol permanen

Catatan: Untuk pembelajaran di Taman Kanak-kanak, anak hanya menambahkan hiasan pada baju boneka dan membuat wajah, selebihnya media dibuat oleh guru. Boneka ini bisa menjadi boneka tangan.

Sumber Arza-mee'

Rabu, 04 Juni 2014

Absen Kelas Ku

Bahan2 :

1. Karton Asturo atau kertas lain
2. Gunting
3. Pensil untuk membuat gambar
4. Lem
5. Stik es krim
6. Foto anak ukuran 2x 3


1. Buat gambar (bebas), kalau bisa dengan   ukuran besar dan disesuaikan.
2. Gabung karton asturo dengan lem
3. Tempel gambar yang sudah dibuat
4. Buat kotak kecil dengan kertas (seperti     saku baju) sesuai jumlah anak.
5. Sebelumnya foto anak ditempel di ujung stik es krim.
6. Jika semua sudah siap, letakkan absen stik es krim-anak di kotak kotak yang berbentuk saku tadi.


Gambar =sumber lain/google
  Cara menggunakan absen =dosen saya di propram ppl kampus

Selasa, 29 April 2014

Answers of...PROOF THE DIVINITY OF JESUS from The Qoran and The Bible by Nur El-Masih Ben Haq

Answers of..PROOF THE DIVINITY OF JESUS from the Qoran and from the Bible adalah sebuah postingan facebook salah seorang teman kristiani asal Amerika-Nur El-Masih Ben Haq. Hingga ini menjadi sebuah tanya jawab tidak langsung ketika saya dan teman muslim saya mencoba menjawab semua pernyataan-pernyataan Nur tersebut dengan tidak bermaksud melecehkan satu sama lainnya. 

Firstly, how can you compare the Holy Quran to the Bible?Cause there's ONLY 1 truth in this world towards EVERYTHINGS. Bible been CORRUPTED and been change 57 times, whereas Holy Quran NEVER EVER been change even with 1 single DOT. But i will still explaine to you, since you little confused and dont even understand your won bible. 

You said:

(Nur) The incarnation of Jesus began by the choice of a chaste woman, Mary(Maryam). To qualify her, God(Allah) necessarily exalted in advance ABOVE ALL THE WOMAN CREATION, for birth is the women's GREATEST pride and, yet Mary would EXTRA-ORDINARILY give the birth that is GREATEST of all times. See Luke 1:28, 30:34, 41:44, 48:49, and 54:55. Also say's Quran 3:42, ''O Mary! Allah has CHOSEN thee and PURIFIED thee, and PREFERRED thee ABOVE ALL THE WOMAN OF CREATION''


** so, in this sentence you could see that God(Allah) CHOOSED Mary above all women, but God did NOT say that I WILL COME INTO THIS WORLD THROUGH YOU. It also proves that Jesus(PBUH) is just a human and also a Messiah but NOT God.

(Nur) After that, God settled His soul(Ruh) inside His word(Kalimah), which He had put in the womb of Mary, who had been spiritually qualified as we have seen earlier. That was how Mary conceived Jesus. That was to enable the divine attribute have human features through her for the humans to understand Him better (Hence only Jesus is biblically and Quranically declared GOD's WORD and GOD's RUH(Spirit) John1:1, 14:8:23, Phl 2:5-8, and the Quran 4:171, 2:252 etc.(By implication, Jesus flesh is not actually biological but God's Word. similarly, his life is not actually human's but from God's own as we will see more later)


**in this verse, you SHOULD understand the meaning of HIS SOUL(Ruh). The word HIS SOUL does NOT mean God's Soul, but soul of Jesus(PBUH). God is non like what any human could imagine and never be the same as any livingthings. Therefore, God (Allah) has no Soul.

(Nur)Therefore, even after his humanly birth, Jesus was declared as mush superior to angels, and in fact, God' said, ''Let ALL God's angels worship him(Jesus)''


**Could you please show me in which VERSE God said "Let All God's angel worship him(Jesus)"? we(moslem) need an EXACT words, not editing words from HUMAN. cause you(Christian) been changing and changing and changing. Twisting and twisting words of God. That is the sickness

(Nur) Muslims often cite John 5:30-31, Mark 13:32-33 and John 1428 etc as disproofs of Christ's divinity. But, logically, these verses, rather than disprove Jesus divinity, expressed the anticipated and expected demonstrations of the character that was Jesus-in-exemplary-typical-huma-nature and therefore in accordance with God's programme as stated in the Quran 6:9 and:-

(1)Phil. 2:6, "Who(Jesus) being in very nature God, did NOT consider equality with God something to grasp, 7 but made himself NOTHING, taking the very nature of SERVANT, being made in human likeness 8, and found in appearance as a MAN, he HUMBLED himself and become OBEDIENT to the death, even death in the cross".
(2)Heb.2:16, "For surely it is NOT ANGELS that he(Jesus) helps, but Abraham's descendants.17 FOR THIS REASON HE(GOD) HAD TO MAKE HIM(JESUS) LIKE HIS BROTHERS IN EVERY WAY in order that..(compare in Quran 6:9)
(3)Rom. 8:3, "Jesus..in the LIKENESS OF A SINFUL MAN..."


**(1)Are these words from Jesus (PBUH) himself? or someone? Does the verse written in RED (in the Bible)? Jesus DID NOT and NEVER declare himself as God, but satan cheated and made Phil to think that and said that.

**(2)And when you COMPARE or intend to COMPARE , you SHOULD know that your Bible already been corrupted, how can you compare? It's very clear and even you KNEW that Bible been changed so many times, but why you accepted all the changes? pay attention this

Deuteronomy 31:25-29, " For I know that after I LEAVE you are SURE to become utterly CORRUPT and to turn from the way have commanded you. In days to come, disaster will fall upon you because you will do evil in the sight of the lord and provoke him to anger by what your HANDS have made".

**(3)Why should God do that? And again, is this word from Jesus himself? answer is still NO

(Nur) So in the light of these verses, it should be clear that Jesus humanized acts did not mean that he was actually a human being (John 8:23) but where the divinely designs that were to make Jesus not unnecessarily scare the humans but, rather be there SOURCE OF INSPIRATIONS.


**Please make a research on this verse from the ORIGINAL scripture. i will not tell you the original words before they changed it, but i want you to FIND out. and you will shock to know. But why have to changed? And why John said that? Why not Jesus?

(Nur) In other words, if Jesus were to act God-the-father againeven when have purposely transformed into a man,the transformation would be logically be nonsense.


**Why nonsense? God can do ANYTHING. I mean A.N.Y.T.H.I.N.G

(Nur) The Holy Bible reveals relationship between adam and Jesus thus, "The FIRST Adam became a LIVINGSOUL, the last Adam (Jesus) a QUICKENING SPIRIT", 1 Cor. 15:45. Therefore to understand the nature of Jesus more, we must go back to the Adam's case.


**Do you know what is the meaning of QUICKENING in the ORIGINAL hebrew text? :)

(Nur) Thus, when God breathed life into Adam, (Quran 38:73-78 and Gen 2:7), He(God) declared him His(God's) own IMAGE/LIKENESS (Gen 2:7, and some shahih hadiths) or His VICEROY (Quran 2:30). Also according to Quran 38:71-77, 15:38-44, 17:61-62, 7:11-13, and 2:34, Allah instructed ALL the angels to WORSHIP Adam on the ground that He (Allah) had breathed something of His Spirit into Adam for a soul (see also Heb 1:2-6). In fact according to these Quranic verses, stan curse and demotion are God reaction to his (satan's) refusal to prostrate himself before Adam after God had breathed into Adam his ruh.


**Good point you brought up here, now you could see the difference. Adam(PBUH) is NOT God, but God instructed all to WORSHIP Adam.Adam had no father nor had mother which ws not born him, but after that not a single human/ all minkind worship him as GOD. but, W.H.Y when Jesus was born and not a single human worship him like was God instructed all to worship Adam. and W.H.Y Jesus(PBUH) DID NOT and NEVER tell anyone to worship him if he,s a God? Did Jesus(PBUH) said I AM GOD or WORSHIP ME? answer is NO. infect Jesus(PBUH) has NO knowledge and has No power and NOTHING without God(Allah)..

We know u will answer those the explanation cos of incarnation will continue later related your all questions

May Allah Subhana wata'ala guides us on the right path, with the best manners with the light of the Quran and the best behavior of the sunnah of our beloved prophet, Rasulullah alaihi salatu wassalam. Aameen

By Mohammed shah & Arza zahra 

Senin, 28 April 2014

Melukis dengan Lilin

Melukis dengan Lilin

Persiapkan Alat-alat

1. Kertas HVS bergambar (Gambar bebas, contoh balon)
2. Krayon
3. Korek Api
4. Lilin


1. Warnai gambar balon (warna-warni)

2. Setelah selesai dengan warna dasar warna warni, di warnai kembali warna hitam.

3. Gunting gambar balon yang telah di warnai.

4. Terakhir teteskan lilin yang telah menyala secara acak agar membentuk polkadot

5. Setelah itu, copot semua tetesan lilin yang telah mengering.

Lukisan bentuk balon ini bisa di kreasikan menjadi balon 3 dimensi dengan membuat cetakan balon untuk sisi satunya dari kertas lain seperti kertas manila. Lem bagian pinggirnya (Bisa dengan double-tape). Lalu masukkan koran ke dalamnya. Terakhir hias dengan pita di bagian bawahnya.

Catatan: Untuk pembelajaran di Taman Kanak-kanak, anak bisa mengerjakan dengan mewarnai dan meneteskan lilin. Sisanya dibuat dan dilakukan oleh guru

Selamat mencoba!!

Arza-Mee' dan Berbagai sumber

Minggu, 27 April 2014

A Short Story of Mine

Sebelumnya saya pernah punya seorang teman yang berasal dari negara sebelah. Setiap kami 'chatting' via messenger, tidak bosan saya bertanya seputar 'issues' sekitar. Hingga terjadilah diskusi yang sehat dan mengasyikkan. Terkadang saya belajar kepadanya bagaimana menggunakan kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris dengan benar. Karena saya selalu kesulitan melakukannya. Dengan senang hati dia meladeni permintaan 'belajar private' gratis via messenger tersebut. 

Dan ini cerita masa kecil saya yang telah di translate ke dalam bahasa Inggris.

Here's my short story. 

Many years back during my childhood time, in my village. I always remember all those sweet memories about my life. When i was around 6 years old, i lived in the middle class home. It was not huge and not too small either. But my family and me lives comfortably there, and there's a padi field around where i lived, and on the right side of my house, there's a river and the water is very clear. I could even saw small shrimps and small fishes swimming. 

I called (or Indonesian called) the fish as 'JEPI'. I had to swim and find the shrimps and the fishes and i got my clothes wet as i swam in. That was the time i've been waiting for. I love to run and jump far to swim from the river bank and off course i am not all alone. I was with a few of my friends, and we did it together. 


I guess, that all i could share with you for now. Once you had read through, please give me feedback or point(s).

Rencananya sih, saya ingin sekali membukukan cerita masa kecil saya ini menjadi buku cerita anak. Doain ya..!!

Dan ingin banget mengucapkan terima kasih kepada teman saya di manapun kamu berada sekarang.Semoga Allah SWT mengampuni dosa-dosa kita dan menjadikan amal saleh setiap perbuatan baik kita, aamiin.

Special for Mohamed Mikail or Rave. Peace ^^

Lagu Anak mirip Chip Munk

Bicara soal musik dan masa lalu, jadi inget lagu-lagunya kak Chica Koeswoyo yang cover album depannya sedang memangku gitar dengan rambut kepang panjangnya. Kalo ga salah saat itu, saya masih berumur kurang lebih empat tahunan. Ada beberapa lagunya yang masih saya ingat syair liriknya meski cuma beberapa. Seperti, "Alam desa, kuceritakan semua kepadanya..", "Pagi..berseri, indah sekali.." atau " Bintang kecil bintang kecil mengapa sendiri, temanilah temanilah aku yang bernyanyi."

Dan tentu saja saya juga ingat sesuatu, bahwa saat itu almarhum bapak membelikan kaset itu untuk kakakku. Tapi saya juga senang mendengar lagu-lagu ketika kakakku minta di putarkan kaset Chica sama almarhum bapak. Mungkin karena kakakku lebih mudah mencerna syair lagu-lagu tersebut. Meskipun saya juga merasa bisa menyanyikannya. Tapi almarhum bapak tidak berat sebelah dalam hal perhatian. Bapak juga membelikan saya kaset. Dibanding kaset Chicha milik kakakku, kaset milikku lebih unik. Mungkin karena suara di kaset itu seperti chip munk yang saya tahu beberapa tahun sesudahnya. Dan saya juga menyadari setelah saya besar bahwa lagu di dalam kaset milik saya agak nyeleneh, itu menurut saya pribadi. Meski lucu tapi sedikit konyol. Mungkin jika dirilis ulang di jaman sekarang, harus ada perubahan pada lirik-liriknya.

Kalo tidak salah ya, cover kaset milik saya itu bergambar boneka sesame street dan saya melupakan nama dari kaset tersebut. Saya sangat penasaran dan berusaha tanya ke mbah google. Ternyata tetap ga nemu alias nihil. Apa karena key word saya ga tepat?!

Dan lagunya seperti ini (Dengan suara mirip chip munk),

"Hai dut dut dut dut lang, kecapinya pentil. Hai si gendut pulang bawa tai upil. Mari-mari kawan, kita menggoda dia. Lihatlah si gendut hai pulang sekolah (Gendut,gendut)."

Sejujurnya saya sangat menyukai lagu ini. Bagi saya yang masih berumur 4 tahunan, lagu ini sangat menarik meskipun kenyataannya lirik di dalam lagu ini tidak mendidik. Menarik karena suaranya sangat lucu dan nada dari lagunya juga enak.

Hingga sekarang, saya masih bertanya-tanya sendiri. Kenapa yah bapak membelikan kakak saya kaset Chica sedangkan saya lagu ini?!. Tapi apapun alasannya, pasti bapak tidak bermaksud membelikan saya kaset yang kurang bagus dari segi syair. Hanya mungkin berpikir bahwa saya yang berumur 4 tahun itu akan menyukai lagu tersebut karena suaranya yang unik. Dan tentu saja niat itu berhasil, karena hingga sekarang saya masih suka dengan lagu yang mirip chip munk itu.

Heheh, Whatever deh! poko'nya terima kasih buat bapak tercinta. Love you forever!

Sabtu, 26 April 2014

Scammer yang Up to Date

Menjadi korban scammer yang paling up todate?! Beteee (kunyah kaki meja). Gimana ga 'dongkol', tuh scammer bisa bisanya mo nipu. Siapa pun bakalan terpesona dengan semua rayuan gombal gembelnya. Awalnya sih iseng iseng, kali aja berhadiah. Eh bener, tiba-tiba ada inbox dari seseorang yang terjaring profil  pribadi saya di salah satu situs muslim dating. Namanya aja udah indah-Mustakim Abdul. Hmm, kebayang kan orangnya lempeng kaya namanya. Ngaku blasteran Inggris dan Spanyol (dalam hati, jadi nilai plus). Apalagi dia bilang kalo dia itu serius mencari istri untuk dia dan anak satu-satunya sepeninggal istrinya. Yang jelas scammer itu pintar alias ngga bodoh (maksudnya pintar2 bodoh), dan pintar mempermainankan perasaan orang.

Ada yang bilang juga mereka itu menguasai psikologi seseorang. Mereka itu ya komplotan scammer karena biasanya si scammer itu tidak sendirian. Mereka melakukan kejahatan dengan cara menipu uang korban dengan cara yang bisa dibilang w.o.w cos Saya salah satu dari korban para scammer kejam itu (kaleem). Plus pengen berbagi ke temen-temen semua yang niatnya 'tebel' banget untuk cari soulmate orang 'sono'. 

Bersyukur saya tidak sampai kena rayuan gombal mereka mekipun awalnya sempet 'keblinger' juga . Dan sangking sebelnya saya sampe ngomong "Are you scammer?" heheh mana ada ya maling teriak maling. Dia langsung tutup telponnya, itu pertanda dia emang si scammer.  Tapi ga apa-apa, ini juga pelajaran berharga bagi diri saya pribadi tentang bagaimana sepak terjang mereka menipu korbannya. Dan sebab ada hal-hal yang bikin 'curious', jadi pemikiran ini kembali normal' lagi. Maksudnya, jika kita mendapatkan email-email menggoda dari orang nun jauh di mata, jangan lantas seperti orang yang kena sirep (mantra). Tempatkan saja orang itu 20% di pikiran kita. Selanjutnya,,terserah anda! 

Tanggal: 19 Februari 2014

Good day my dear,
I just finish my official meetings this afternoon and decided to write to you as i promise. It is 02:03pm here, so i will be going back in 3 hours time. Well after i arrive to the office this morning, i couldn't stop thinking about our conversation in SingleMuslim.com. I really feel comfortable to communicate with you for the first time. I think you are a very open person and i want you to know that i really appreciate it. That is why i decided to delete my profile from SingleMuslim.com because i want us to focus more on each other. So if you don't mind i will also like you to delete your profile too because i don't want to lose you to anyone ok. Insha Allah i pray that Allah will direct us in knowing more about each other everyday until i meet you and your family.

So let me tell you more about myself and my family. Firstly my birthday is on 07 April 1972. My father is born as a muslim while my mum converted before she married my dad. My father is originally from Madrid here in Spain, and my mum is from Lisburn Belfast. I am the only son of my family, born here in Madrid. But i spend most of my childhood in Lisburn because my father always travel a lot to different countries because he is a Locomotive international contractor. So i became more close with my mum's family in Lisburn where i am currently working now. But my father always try to be there for our family by doing his best for us. He is like my best friend and sponsor me until i obtained most of my degrees in Engineering Consultancy. My father passed away in October 2011. So we relocated to Lisburn after he passed away. I always travel back to Madrid because i still have some business clients here. But always spend my free time & the weekends with my mum and my son because we all stay together.

I will be travelling back to Lisburn this soon because i will be finishing my official meetings here in Spain tomorrow. I married but Death separated my wife away from me on 11th Aug 2012. She has Intramural fibroid that grow within the muscular wall of her womb. So the doctor say that she need to undergo a surgery operation to remove the Fibroid, but sadly she passed away during the operation because she lost a-lot of blood and couldn't survive it. My heart was really broken. But is already over, i just have to move on and take good care of my child. My son's name Rayhan and he is 3 years old, hope you will love him when you meet him.

So my dear I just want you to know that our distance will not be a barrier for us. I will always be open and honest to you in every step we make in knowing more about ourselves, and you are free to ask me anything. InshaAllah i will surely meet you one on one with your family in your country when we are comfortable enough to meet each other face to face ok. I have attached my new picture with my son for you, I will also like to see your latest picture too. Please tell me more about yourself and your family ok, take good care of yourself. Till i hear from you soon.


*catatan : Di email ini, scammer itu menulis dengan huruf yang berbeda-beda. Kalo orang serius, mana mau ganti-ganti huruf kapital berbeda beda meski hanya 3 paragraf. Bisa jadi si scammer juga menuliskan email-email tersebut ke korban-korban lainnya. Dan dia hanya copy paste email sebelumnya seperlunya sesuai kebutuhan si penerima email itu. Contoh, untuk memperkenalkan diri dan keluarganya, dia lakukan satu paragraf menggunakan huruf kapital yang berbeda dengan paragraf yang lain(semoga bener).

Tanggal: 22 Februari 2014

Walaikumsalam ...,

I hope you are having a great weekend today? I am still busy today, because i need to round-up so many things here. My flight to Lisburn is tomorrow. Lisburn is a city in Northern Ireland, United Kingdom. So thanks for your reply and for telling me about you and your family. It is nice getting to know you more, i am also positive with our communication so far & hopefully we can open our hearts towards each other with trust and understanding.

As a muslim i think it is a wonderful opportunity that Allah has given us to know, explore and get to know each other. I can say that it is not by accident that we meet but I will consider it as a divine arrangement from HIM with the faith we have. That's why i always pray for Allah to perfect His will in my life. If He says that my communication with you shall be fruitful let it be so. The most important thing is for us to empty our thoughts and allow Allah to lead and direct our paths, because HE knows the right thing we desire. It's my joy to be in contact with you and I look forward to what He has in stock for us in the future. 

Let me tell you more about myself and my family;

My mum's name is Maya, and she is 67 years old now. I am proud to be a Muslim, and Islamic teaching is always important to me. I pray 5 times daily, I always fast and read my AL Qur'an everyday. Also i involve in some Islamic organization because I am very passionate about helping others. I believe that you should always treat others how you would like to be treated. The negative side of me is that i can easily trust someone. My hobbies are listening to musics, swimming, cooking and reading at my free times. As you can see that I am not perfect, i am just a practicing Muslim.

I have started performing Istikharah prayer because one thing I know is that if Allah wants to accomplish something nobody even distances or our past experience can hinder it. He can do possible things of what is impossible to man. At times, we might be expecting Allah to bring to us those that are within our vicinity, but He would look up and bring to us someone from afar, from different country we never dreams of having contact with. I really wish to meet you in the future. InsyaAllah if we be together, we shall be there to assist each other in every part of our lives. 

For the couple of months now I am having the feelings that Allah would bring my way a partner with whom i would spend the rest of my life with. Even though i am blessed with so many things in life both financially and spiritually. But all is not complete without a partner in your life. Because money and opportunities come and go, but the ones you love are always there for you whenever you need them. That is why i want to disclose my honest intention of communicating with you dear. So i will love to talk to you on the phone when i arrived to Lisburn, so can i have your contact phone number if you don't mind? 

Thanks for your beautiful pictures, i like your smile. Can you tell me more about your daily activities at home and at your workplace or anything you want me to know okTake good care of yourself & have a nice day ahead, till i hear from you again.


*catatan: Di email ini, dia tidak memainkan huruf kapital yang berbeda. Tapi apa yang diceritakan tentang dia, keluarga dan kehidupannya sangat sangat 'perfect'. Meskipun mungkin ada orang yang seperti disebutkan, tapi kenyataannya si scammer ini terlalu bodoh karena dia tidak menceritakan kekurang-kekurangannya sebagai manusia dan dia hanya mengatakan ' The negative side of me is that i can easily trust someone'. Dia justru meyakinkan saya bahwa semua yang dia katakan adalah kebenaran dengan mengatakan 'i have started performing istikharah', w.o.w. Seolah-seolah dialah seseorang yang memang saya idam2kan selama ini (jempool deh nipunya)

Tanggal: 1 Maret 2014

Walaikumsalam my dear,

I am happy to hear your voice today, because you totally occupy my mind after speaking to you on the phone. It seems we have a lot in common. So i am confident that Allah knows the best for our future, and I know He will made it possible for us to meet in real life. InshaAllah.

I am just spending my weekend at home because i promise my son Rayhan that i will prepare some fresh fish and vegetables for him today because he love it. I enjoy cooking because during the time i was growing up i am always beside my mum in the kitchen & trying new dishes as far as it is healthy. I actually don't have a favorite, but hopefully i will like to try your local food when i come to your country ok.

Being raised by my lovely parents and seeing them seeing them pass through a lot of things and still stand strong, made me believe how important marriage is, and also how to treat a woman right. I have overcome some difficult things in life and in doing so it's made me a much stronger man & a good father. I really want to find a woman to love and share everything as a lovely wife like i mentioned in my profile. That is the reason why I said that what i need from my life partner is all about True love, understanding and for us to live happily till the rest of our lives. So my family doesn't mind whatever culture or background my future wife comes from, as far as we truly love each other as Muslims. Because they respect my decision as a man. 

My late father is an International contractor, and he has travel to so many countries when he was alive. He tell me that majority of women from your country knows the value of marriage, and they truly loves their families. And that is another thing that motivates me to find my future wife from your country & i am glad that i know you. 

But one important thing that i want you to understand is that, despite how many thousand miles that is between us at the moment, i will definitely meet you soon. I know that i have told you few things about me and my family. My philosophy in life is to be the best husband for my wife and a lovely father to my children. 

Sometime i am really busy during the weekdays, because as a Real estate consultants my job is to solely represent my clients and focus my expertise on developing strategies to achieve the buyer's goals and objectives. Normally they relied on my services which ranges from different tasks, like showing & analyzing area sales statistics of certain properties, and examine the contracts before making offers. 
Most of the time i have to prepares and presents a needs-based analysis to the buyer, which is then used to determine and structure the buyer's needs. And the services may also extend beyond the closing table once the buyer makes a purchase and becomes a new owner. So i hope you know more about my work now. But despite that it won't stop me from communicating with you always ok.

Honestly from the depth of my heart, i really want someone who will love me for whom i am not for what i am. I had to believe that in every thing that we do in this life what matters most is True love, trust and understanding of each other.
I have attached another picture of me, Rayhan & my mom's picture for you. And please send your family picture to me too. This is my personal contact number +447509753184, just feel free to call me on this one and sms me on +447857554027 ok. Take good care of yourself and have a good night rest. Remain blessed. Till i hear from you again.

*Catatan: Minta dia telpon, lihat nomornya dari mana. Bisa Malaysia , bisa juga UK atau dia ngaku di UK tapi ada di Nigeria. Artinya mereka menggunakan telpon dengan no awal +44 70 . Bagi yang tak mengerti dikira benar dari UK, padahal +44 70 adalah sebuah system telekomunikasi  di UK yang disebut 070 Follow me Numbers. Bisa diakses dari mana saja. Biasanya scamers menelpon dari Nigeria dengan menggunakan 070 ini. Silahkan cek  http://www.scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=16485 (Fey Down)

Heheh..!, (Kena deeh!)

Tanggal 5 Maret 2014

Walaikumsalam dear,

Thanks for your reply & for sharing about your lovely family & yourself. I appreciate it and the reason why i like you is because of your openness to me & also your honesty really attracted to me. It is not about beauty or anything, instead it is what comes inside of you. So please try to call me on the phone because communication is very important in our relationship ok. I am glad we understand each other better, and hopefully you will communicate more with me as much as i do ok. 

My mum is looking forward to talk to you soon because i told her about you today, and she extend her salaam to you. Dear all we have to do, is to keep knowing more about ourselves, by being open and honest to each other, because it is the most important thing in a relationship especially marriage.

During my weekdays whenever i am back home, i just relax and have my dinner at home, unless if i have dinner appointment with friends or my colleagues. Weekends is always the time i spend with my son and my family. About the people that is closest to my heart, I have my uncle that live in Spain, and i visit him and his family every time i went to Madrid. It is the same love we all experience and share together with our loved ones in our different families. After my father passed away I always take good care of my mum, because anytime i spend with her is always a quality time together. Alhamdulillah she is very healthy. We are not a big family as i told you before but we all share great moments together as one family. 

It's quite difficult to write about oneself but we just have to be honest and tell our loved one everything they need to know. I'm just been simple and fly straight. I am an easygoing man, with a great dress sense, I'm an optimistic person who has a variety of interests...

I'm a down to earth man who consider himself confident, intelligent, honest, romantic, spontaneous, caring with a big heart, easy to get along with positive personality, ambitious, self-motivated, secure, expressive, attentive, passionate,  with a good sense of humor. I love sports, movies, cooking, music, I'm open minded and fun loving, little things in life count, that's why i told you to feel free to talk or ask me anything, so that we will keep knowing more about ourselves. I also hate smoke, and drugs. 

After my wife passed away, I have been praying to Allah SWT to give me a woman that i will truly love till the rest of my life. And your profile was the first i saw and got interested to know more about you and i know that it is Almighty Allah that bring you to my life. InsyaAllah, I pray that you will be my wife till the rest of my life.
I still have my expectations for my future wife which is all about True love, because love is like a river, never ending as it flows, but gets greater with time. Is not only finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end, because the best thing about loving and being hurt is that you get to know what true love really is, that's why i said 'you need love to trust, at the same time you need to trust in-order to love'.

And for us to have our happy moments together as husband and wife. Most important thing is to be faithful and honest to each other, share our stories and our plans for our future together both good and bad side of it, so that we can overcome any challenge that might come up into our marriage. Also for me to always spend my time with you and our family, pray together, cook together, and also respect each other, share our secrets together, be best friends, and everything for each other. And create the best things that makes us happy. 

Honey (i hope you don't mind calling you honey) Like i said previously, i really appreciate you for been open and honest to me and i am still looking forward to know you more. All i am telling you is that i will never hurt you in my life and you will never regret knowing who i am, that's why i tell my mum about you. I will be a good husband to you and a good father to our children. I hope you will get to know me much better, so that when Allah make a way for us to meet, we will plan for our future and also meet your family for our marriage.

I will come down to your country to come and see you and your family for our future plans, InshaAllah. Distance can never be a barrier to any relationship kept by Almighty Allah, is just a matter of few hours and i will be there with you and your family. We will plan together on where we will spend the rest of our life. And i am really comfortable with you so far, and my feelings for you is growing everyday. 

Tell me about the things that makes you happy, & what is your expectation for your future husband? Thanks for the lovely pictures of your family, i can see that you have a happy family. Take good care of yourself and have a wonderful day ahead. Till i hear from you again.


* Catatan: Si scammer meyakinkan saya bahwa dia akan menemui saya secepatnya. Padahal kenyataannya mah, boro-boro. Ngeliat batang hidung aja engga, karena memang dia ga berniat bertemu. Penipu mana yang mau nunjukin dirinya di depan korbannya?!

Tanggal 14 Maret 2014

Walaikumsalam dear,

I am writing to you in my house now.
 It was a busy day for me because i have an appointments with some of my business clients today. My time now is 07:56pm, i just break my fasting now. Anyway thanks for your reply and for telling me about daily life, i really appreciate it because it makes me to know you much better, and i am very happy to hear your voice today & know that you are ok. I was thinking maybe we can do Umrah or Hajj together after our marriage InshaAllah, have you already done it dear?

I promise myself that i will never hurt you in my life neither do i want you to hurt me after i have lay all my true love on you, because i am trusting you and is not a joke. And after we get married, i will treat you as my lovely wife and accept you for who you are ok. The reason why i tell my mum & my son about you is because in my heart i believe that Allah kept you specially for me, and i believe with prayers all is possible within a short time. And i know that you are the one am looking for as a part of my life because i am comfortable with my communication with you. One thing that attracted me most or makes me to need you in my life as my wife is simply your honesty, by telling me more about you, your family and your experience in life. I really appreciate it so much.

I keep on praying to Allah to make a way for us and to open our hearts to grow in True love and Understanding of ourselves. Well Rayhan tell me that he will like you to be his mum after i show him your picture and i was happy to hear that from him. He is such a nice little boy and so respectful, despite his age. Hopefully you will meet him soon.
I tell you all these things because i want to be open and to be honest and show you my sincerity towards you and to know how much i needed you in my life. Because a person is incomplete without a soul-mate, that's why i contacted you and believing that God will make a way for us, so that we get to know more about each other and for us to be together and cherish our love, till the rest of our lives and i am really comfortable with my communication with you so far. I pray that God will see us through in achieving our future and our destiny. 

Meanwhile, When i was a teenager, i have a great support from my family especially my late dad who always taught me the right things to do in life, He always takes me along when ever he is going out to support some less privilege and poor organizations by assisting them both financially and other ways because he wants me to be doing the same thing when i become an adult, and since i have been doing that, Allah SWT is really blessing me and my family.
My life is successful, & Sometimes i become so occupied with my work that i will just have a little leisure time for myself, like during my lunch break or sometimes have an appointment with a business partner, like having dinner together, fishing and possibly discuss some other important issues. All i am praying now is to have you in life, so that i can cherish my love with you till the rest of my life, because i believe you have the qualities needed in a wife.

True love is indescribable, yet self-explanatory. I really understand how it is to build a happy family; InshaAllah all our plans and our future will surely come to a reality and we will live together as one family and i am worthy of such a commitment for us. So if we be together, all i wanted from you as my wife is your love, caring, honesty and faithfulness and i will be a good husband to you and the best Dad to our kids ok. Have a wonderful day. Till i hear from you soon.
Forever yours,

*Catatan: Dia bilang akan mengajak saya pergi umrah atau haji ba'da nikah (??),meskipun baru 'Thingking'. Diperjelas dengan, "I just break my fasting now". Coba deh pikir, cewe mana yang ga bakalan kesem-sem sama nih cowo (Normal kan?! heheh)

Tanggal: 21 Maret 2014

Hi dear,

I am glad to receive your email and also for your call today. Thanks for your honesty, I totally understand everything you said in your email and am glad you understand me too. InshaAllah I will always support you and always be there for you as your lovely husband. Is nice to know that you are comfortable speaking to my mum & she is also happy to hear your voice. I was thinking maybe we can do our marriage in your country if things work out for us, then later we will have our ceremony in my country when you go back with me because i want us to be close after we get married. And we will always visit your family in Indonesia. So what do you think about it dear?

Honestly i am falling for you because you are so open to me, that is why I am trusting you and i believe that you are always honest to me & also for accepting me in your life too. I am looking forward to fly down to your country to come and see you soon, so whenever i confirmed my schedule i will let you know earlier about the date as far as you are ready to welcome me ok. I will always express myself towards you because we need to have a desire in our heart before Allah can make it to come true. 

I am honestly thinking about you everyday especially whenever we speak on the phone. And i really love the way both of us care for each other. So take good care of yourself for me ok. And have a blessed good night rest.

I dedicated this song specially for you,
If I had to live my life without you near me 
The days would all be empty 
The nights would seem so long 
With you I see forever oh so clearly 
I might have been in love before 
But it never felt this strong
Our dreams are young 
And we both know they'll take us 
Where we want to go
(Chorus 1) 
Hold me now 
Touch me now 
I don't want to live without you
(Chorus 2) 
Nothings gonna change my love for you 
You ought know by now how much I love you 
One thing you can be sure of 
I'll never ask for more than your love
Chorus 3) 
Nothings gonna change my love for you 
You ought know by now how much I love you 
The world may change my whole life through 
But nothings gonna change my love for you
 If the road ahead is not so easy, 
Our love will lead the way for us 
Like a guiding star 
I'll be there for you if you should need me 
You don't have to change a thing 
I love you just the way you are 
So come with me and share the view 
I'll help you see forever too.

*Catatan: Di kirimin nyanyian model begini, tambah berasa ga nginjak bumi, W.E.W

Tanggal: 27 Maret 2014

Assalamualaikum honey,

I am happy to speak to you today, so don't feel guilty of not calling me because i understand ok. Thanks for your reply, i like the song you dedicated to me. And I appreciate it because my feelings for you is growing stronger everyday. And i know that Allah SWT will surely works according to our heart desires in life, as far as we focus more on our true intention towards each other and hope for the best in the future by being more positive in our relationship ok

I already come back from work and decided to write to you. Honestly i believe you can make a good wife to me by accepting you for who you are, as far as we love each other truly from our heart. You don't have to be the best in the world or be the most beautiful woman on earth before you please me, NO... I believe we all have the unique qualities that others don't have. All i want is to truly love you as my beloved wife, so that we will make our family to be a lovely home for ourselves and our kids..

I actually had a dream last night; Let me share it with you. I dreamt about you, it is like we are in our marriage ceremony after i come down to your country, then i prayed to Allah to make his good plans for us to come to reality soon, because i feel the joy knowing that our future is bright & i can't wait to have you in my life.

I am always positive about our relationship, because i think about you all the time & that's why i call you everyday, and i will say that I realize that to know you is to accept you. And to love you is to truly know your hiding qualities. The more i know you, the more i miss you. As you know, I searched a lifetime to find you because everything happens for a reason and life must go on. Don't be surprise that i believe that you have every qualities needed in a wife, even though i haven't seen all.

Sometimes I wish I could have known you earlier because you brighten each day that i hear your voice. I will keep praying until the day will come when both of us gonna be together as husband and wife. The day our love will come to reality, in the presence of the world. And it will be the greatest moment of our lives.

I have attached my house pictures for you, hope you like it. Take good care of yourself for me. And enjoy the rest of your night.



*Catatan: What?! Mimpi?..Ya ampyuuun. tambah ke-ge-er-an

Tanggal: 3 April 2014
Salaam honey,

Thanks for your message. I decided to write to you before going to my office because you totally occupy my mind after i wake up 
this morning. My son is so happy to speak to you last night, & i just want to say thanks for accepting my family. We muslims here in Lisburn are minority but we have freedom of worship, & we are very proud as muslims because we respect each other. So i think you will be very comfortable here with me after we get married ok.

As you know I am really positive with our relationship because marriage is not just only for both of us but also our families. Because your family will be my second home and i will accept them as i accepted you in my life. It has been almost 2 months now since Allah brings you to my life. What started out as a sincere friendship turned into a strong bond between two of us who found out the true meaning of love the hard way. The journey seems so long sometimes and at the same time it seems short. To me it feels like time is purposely bending and stretching itself so that it can play its part in making us feel the joy and pain of what it is truly to be in a long distance relationship. 

All I know is that throughout this while, I have learn a lot from this love and I have seen what it is like to give yourself completely to the other person when you're so far apart. The most important thing I learn among many more things was to trust and to be faithful to the one you love. I really appreciate your openness to me, and i honestly trust and believe that i will spend the rest of my life with you as my dearest beloved wife because i am very serious with you.

I miss you so much, that's why i love speaking to you everyday. I wish that time has frozen this minute before we have to say those words and how I can enjoy every single moment with you, with me always talking about all of the things we like and dislike.

I am sitting here in my room writing this letter hoping you will get to read it when you open your email; but if not then I know that this letter will reach you sooner or later. I really have confidence in you and our relationship because i know that my life will be much happier when you will be around me, and my life will be filled with songs. Meanwhile can you tell me how to say "i love you" in your local language?

Thank you for making my life so much meaningful and giving me this chance to show you what love means to me, and also praying that we will truly open our hearts and trust each other more for who we are. 

I am about to take my shower now but there is so much I want to tell you and there is so much I want to experience with you honey. Every time I didn't talk to you, is the hardest thing for me to do because that is like giving up a part of your life which means so much to me.

Meanwhile thanks for your compliment to my house, i bought it 2 years ago & always keep it clean. You can send me yours, just to see where you sleep ok. Honestly you really brightens my day, and I want to let you know that I really love you too. So please take good care of yourself for me. And feel the part of me wanting to be with you now and may I have the honor to touch your heart and let you feel my love. Enjoy the rest of your day honey.

Forever yours,

*Catatan: Ga ada (Udah mulai Betee!)

Tanggal: 8 April 2014
Assalamualaikum honey,

I have came back home from work and decided to write to you before going with my mum and Rayhan for my birthday dinner. Because i am happy that you remember that my birthday is today when i open my email, and try calling you but your line is not available. I just want you to know how much you share me up everyday that i hear your voice, and i truly trust you from my heart, so please honey don't break my heart ok. I can't wait to meet you and look you into your eyes as my beloved, which will always melt my spirit. All my wishes is to spend the rest of my life with you since i know you. InshaAllah.

I have a simple life, and i have shared almost everything about my life and my family with you, because we don't have to live by our past & that's why the future is always great. I am happy that we focused more on what Almighty kept for us in our future together. I don't keep too many friends around me, but only the responsible ones that can understand me. And i love spending my free time with my family. 

Is hard that i am not close to you now, because i miss you everyday, that's why i always want to speak to you. But i believe I left a big part of me with you. Because Allah kept you specially for me, It is yours now so, take care and tread lightly. I wish that I could be with you now in all struggles of life as a husband and as a best friend, but know that I am there in spirit and am praying for everything to work out for us. No matter where this life takes us, know that you will always be in my heart and "my favorite." I am just being myself and always love you. I can't wait to meet you and your family soon. Take good care of yourself and have a sweetdreams. I miss you so much.

Aku cinta kamu,

*Catatan: Dia bilang, "I am happy that you remember that my birthday", karena sebelumnya saya menelpon dan mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun tanggal 7 April kemarin. Anehnya tanggapan si scammer itu datar, seperti bukan hari spesial nya. Menyadari belakangan, saya berpikir bahwa hari itu memang bukan tanggal lahirnya (Puyeng sendiri dia, w.e.w)

Tanggal: 11 April 2014
Salaam honey,

Thanks for email, & please remember to send the marriage requirement for me if you know it ok. I am at home now arranging my things for our travel, because i need to bring all my necessary documents with me. I feel more comfortable after you finish talking to my mum yesterday and she is happy to meet you with me. Honestly I am very grateful that Allah answered our prayer because i always pray that He will continue to equip us with everything good, and also achieve in us what is pleasing to Him through his messenger Rasullullahu alaihi wassallam, Amin..... I believe that Allah has brought you and I together, not only that we will be in love and always appreciate each other, but also for us to join hands together as husband and wife and carry out His good work, which was made available for us ever since the foundations of the earth.

My wish is for Allah to guide and lead us to the right way. I am excited to meet you soon, so that all these things we are writing through emails & phone calls would be discuss face to face because you are always in my heart. 

We have know so much about each other and i want to tell you that Allah loves us so much and have great things in stock for us, that is why he gave us this privilege to meet each other through this means because choosing a love, and then, being strong enough to live up to your commitment of love is the essence of true love, that is why determination is the key to a successful marriage. Allah knows you more than you know your self? I want you to realize that He has a purpose for bringing us together from afar and through this way. 

So honey, nothing shall separate us, sickness, poverty, or troublesome. I am always positive that i will be with you till the end of my life because i know you are my destiny, that is why a man sees himself through the eyes of the women he truly loves and i want you not to worry so much. I always put Allah SWT first in all i do and I love to be cheerful all the time. Well, it is easy to get a friend, It is easy to get love, but un-easy to get real love and such a true Muslim woman like you.
Any relationship committed unto the hands of Allah stands forever. He will be there at all times to direct us on each and every step we make regarding the worldly and spiritual things. Honey, we are no more far from each other now because our spirits is highly connected, and I will always appreciate, cherished and love you. Because to love is to satisfy yourself, but to marry is to care about the one you love, and i promised i will always be there for you as your lovely husband ok.

I have forwarded our flight schedule to you, so immediately we arrive to Malaysia i will give you a call. InshaAllah i will always update you everything, in-order for you to know when i will finish with the ministry, so that immediately i get our flight back to your place in Jakarta i will let you know, then you can pick me, my mum and Rayhan at Soekarno–Hatta International Airport. Take care honey, Love you.
Forever yours,

*Catatan: So honey, nothing shall separate us, sickness, poverty, or troublesome, padahal justru itu jadi bomerang sendiri buat si bodoh itu. Karena ketika saya menolak mengrimkan uang, dia begitu sangat murka sampai ngomong "Just go to the HELL". Huh Enak aja, Lo aja kali yang ke neraka!.

Email-email terakhirnya itu menandakan kalo dia sudah ga sabar mendulang uang.Awal dia meminta saya mengirimkan uang dengan jumlah $1000, saya bilang tidak  punya uang sebesar itu. Akhirnya dia menurunkan jumlahnya sebesar $500-$350. Percakapan terakhir dengan scammer  itu via sms dari Malaysia karena sebenarnya memang komplotan scammer itu beroperasi di 2 negara tersebut, Nigeria dan Malaysia (sumbernya). Karena dia tidak mendapatkan apa yang diharapkannya, akhirnya dia meng inbox saya dengan kata-kata kasar. Saya juga tidak terima dengan perbuatan penipu itu, lantas saja saya balas semua sms nya dengan jawaban yang lebih tajam setajam silet.

Yang paling dia benci dari kata-kata saya adalah "You said 'my mum'?, you dont even delivered from a woman because you are insulting woman. I am sure you were not by delivered from a woman but discharged through the nostrils because you are disgusting."

"Huh African Scammer" dan "Just go get find medicine for your brain". (Dengan bahasa inggris belepotan, heheh)

Tapi jujur puas banget dah bikin scammers itu gigit jari. Dan poko'nya jangan menutup mata untuk mencari kebenaran di mbah google karena banyak referensi-referensi dari para korban dan para pakar dalam hal ke-scammer-an (apa sich!?) - yang bisa dijadikan bahan pertimbangan sekaligus pelajaran. Jika ada orang yang baru kita kenal,lalu meminta kita membantunya dengan berupa uang apalagi belum pernah melihat mukanya jangan pernah memberi uang sepeserpun. Dan yang utama sich, ya minta petunjuk kepada Allah SWT Yang Mengetahui hal gaib dan tentunya yang nyata. Jangan sampai juga karena  niat kita ikhtiar cari pasangan hidup malah di 'kibulin' sama scammers. Semoga engga ya! Amiin

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