Minggu, 27 April 2014

A Short Story of Mine

Sebelumnya saya pernah punya seorang teman yang berasal dari negara sebelah. Setiap kami 'chatting' via messenger, tidak bosan saya bertanya seputar 'issues' sekitar. Hingga terjadilah diskusi yang sehat dan mengasyikkan. Terkadang saya belajar kepadanya bagaimana menggunakan kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris dengan benar. Karena saya selalu kesulitan melakukannya. Dengan senang hati dia meladeni permintaan 'belajar private' gratis via messenger tersebut. 

Dan ini cerita masa kecil saya yang telah di translate ke dalam bahasa Inggris.

Here's my short story. 

Many years back during my childhood time, in my village. I always remember all those sweet memories about my life. When i was around 6 years old, i lived in the middle class home. It was not huge and not too small either. But my family and me lives comfortably there, and there's a padi field around where i lived, and on the right side of my house, there's a river and the water is very clear. I could even saw small shrimps and small fishes swimming. 

I called (or Indonesian called) the fish as 'JEPI'. I had to swim and find the shrimps and the fishes and i got my clothes wet as i swam in. That was the time i've been waiting for. I love to run and jump far to swim from the river bank and off course i am not all alone. I was with a few of my friends, and we did it together. 


I guess, that all i could share with you for now. Once you had read through, please give me feedback or point(s).

Rencananya sih, saya ingin sekali membukukan cerita masa kecil saya ini menjadi buku cerita anak. Doain ya..!!

Dan ingin banget mengucapkan terima kasih kepada teman saya di manapun kamu berada sekarang.Semoga Allah SWT mengampuni dosa-dosa kita dan menjadikan amal saleh setiap perbuatan baik kita, aamiin.

Special for Mohamed Mikail or Rave. Peace ^^

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