Answers of..PROOF THE DIVINITY OF JESUS from the Qoran and from the Bible adalah sebuah postingan facebook salah seorang teman kristiani asal Amerika-Nur El-Masih Ben Haq. Hingga ini menjadi sebuah tanya jawab tidak langsung ketika saya dan teman muslim saya mencoba menjawab semua pernyataan-pernyataan Nur tersebut dengan tidak bermaksud melecehkan satu sama lainnya.

You said:
(Nur) The incarnation of Jesus began by the choice of a chaste woman, Mary(Maryam). To qualify her, God(Allah) necessarily exalted in advance ABOVE ALL THE WOMAN CREATION, for birth is the women's GREATEST pride and, yet Mary would EXTRA-ORDINARILY give the birth that is GREATEST of all times. See Luke 1:28, 30:34, 41:44, 48:49, and 54:55. Also say's Quran 3:42, ''O Mary! Allah has CHOSEN thee and PURIFIED thee, and PREFERRED thee ABOVE ALL THE WOMAN OF CREATION''
** so, in this sentence you could see that God(Allah) CHOOSED Mary above all women, but God did NOT say that I WILL COME INTO THIS WORLD THROUGH YOU. It also proves that Jesus(PBUH) is just a human and also a Messiah but NOT God.
(Nur) After that, God settled His soul(Ruh) inside His word(Kalimah), which He had put in the womb of Mary, who had been spiritually qualified as we have seen earlier. That was how Mary conceived Jesus. That was to enable the divine attribute have human features through her for the humans to understand Him better (Hence only Jesus is biblically and Quranically declared GOD's WORD and GOD's RUH(Spirit) John1:1, 14:8:23, Phl 2:5-8, and the Quran 4:171, 2:252 etc.(By implication, Jesus flesh is not actually biological but God's Word. similarly, his life is not actually human's but from God's own as we will see more later)
**in this verse, you SHOULD understand the meaning of HIS SOUL(Ruh). The word HIS SOUL does NOT mean God's Soul, but soul of Jesus(PBUH). God is non like what any human could imagine and never be the same as any livingthings. Therefore, God (Allah) has no Soul.
(Nur)Therefore, even after his humanly birth, Jesus was declared as mush superior to angels, and in fact, God' said, ''Let ALL God's angels worship him(Jesus)''
**Could you please show me in which VERSE God said "Let All God's angel worship him(Jesus)"? we(moslem) need an EXACT words, not editing words from HUMAN. cause you(Christian) been changing and changing and changing. Twisting and twisting words of God. That is the sickness
(Nur) Muslims often cite John 5:30-31, Mark 13:32-33 and John 1428 etc as disproofs of Christ's divinity. But, logically, these verses, rather than disprove Jesus divinity, expressed the anticipated and expected demonstrations of the character that was Jesus-in-exemplary-typical-huma-nature and therefore in accordance with God's programme as stated in the Quran 6:9 and:-
(1)Phil. 2:6, "Who(Jesus) being in very nature God, did NOT consider equality with God something to grasp, 7 but made himself NOTHING, taking the very nature of SERVANT, being made in human likeness 8, and found in appearance as a MAN, he HUMBLED himself and become OBEDIENT to the death, even death in the cross".
(2)Heb.2:16, "For surely it is NOT ANGELS that he(Jesus) helps, but Abraham's descendants.17 FOR THIS REASON HE(GOD) HAD TO MAKE HIM(JESUS) LIKE HIS BROTHERS IN EVERY WAY in order that..(compare in Quran 6:9)
(3)Rom. 8:3, " the LIKENESS OF A SINFUL MAN..."
**(1)Are these words from Jesus (PBUH) himself? or someone? Does the verse written in RED (in the Bible)? Jesus DID NOT and NEVER declare himself as God, but satan cheated and made Phil to think that and said that.
**(2)And when you COMPARE or intend to COMPARE , you SHOULD know that your Bible already been corrupted, how can you compare? It's very clear and even you KNEW that Bible been changed so many times, but why you accepted all the changes? pay attention this
Deuteronomy 31:25-29, " For I know that after I LEAVE you are SURE to become utterly CORRUPT and to turn from the way have commanded you. In days to come, disaster will fall upon you because you will do evil in the sight of the lord and provoke him to anger by what your HANDS have made".
**(3)Why should God do that? And again, is this word from Jesus himself? answer is still NO
(Nur) So in the light of these verses, it should be clear that Jesus humanized acts did not mean that he was actually a human being (John 8:23) but where the divinely designs that were to make Jesus not unnecessarily scare the humans but, rather be there SOURCE OF INSPIRATIONS.
**Please make a research on this verse from the ORIGINAL scripture. i will not tell you the original words before they changed it, but i want you to FIND out. and you will shock to know. But why have to changed? And why John said that? Why not Jesus?
(Nur) In other words, if Jesus were to act God-the-father againeven when have purposely transformed into a man,the transformation would be logically be nonsense.
**Why nonsense? God can do ANYTHING. I mean A.N.Y.T.H.I.N.G
(Nur) The Holy Bible reveals relationship between adam and Jesus thus, "The FIRST Adam became a LIVINGSOUL, the last Adam (Jesus) a QUICKENING SPIRIT", 1 Cor. 15:45. Therefore to understand the nature of Jesus more, we must go back to the Adam's case.
**Do you know what is the meaning of QUICKENING in the ORIGINAL hebrew text? :)
(Nur) Thus, when God breathed life into Adam, (Quran 38:73-78 and Gen 2:7), He(God) declared him His(God's) own IMAGE/LIKENESS (Gen 2:7, and some shahih hadiths) or His VICEROY (Quran 2:30). Also according to Quran 38:71-77, 15:38-44, 17:61-62, 7:11-13, and 2:34, Allah instructed ALL the angels to WORSHIP Adam on the ground that He (Allah) had breathed something of His Spirit into Adam for a soul (see also Heb 1:2-6). In fact according to these Quranic verses, stan curse and demotion are God reaction to his (satan's) refusal to prostrate himself before Adam after God had breathed into Adam his ruh.
**Good point you brought up here, now you could see the difference. Adam(PBUH) is NOT God, but God instructed all to WORSHIP Adam.Adam had no father nor had mother which ws not born him, but after that not a single human/ all minkind worship him as GOD. but, W.H.Y when Jesus was born and not a single human worship him like was God instructed all to worship Adam. and W.H.Y Jesus(PBUH) DID NOT and NEVER tell anyone to worship him if he,s a God? Did Jesus(PBUH) said I AM GOD or WORSHIP ME? answer is NO. infect Jesus(PBUH) has NO knowledge and has No power and NOTHING without God(Allah)..
We know u will answer those the explanation cos of incarnation will continue later related your all questions
May Allah Subhana wata'ala guides us on the right path, with the best manners with the light of the Quran and the best behavior of the sunnah of our beloved prophet, Rasulullah alaihi salatu wassalam. Aameen
By Mohammed shah & Arza zahra